Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Blogger's Note

 I want everybody to know I appreciate the community we have going here and the thoughtful comments and insights commenters add to the discussion.  I totally understand that sometimes us fans get frustrated by losing and what we see as dumb decisions by Giants management.  I have no problem posting an occasional rant here and there just to give folks a forum to vent their frustrations.  I've been known to go off occasionally myself. 

Just be aware, though, that if you come with exactly the same rant every single day or appear to be pushing a non-thoughtful agenda, you might as well conserve your energy because I will hit the button on you.  If you have an agenda you want to push, my suggestion is you start your own blog.

1 comment:

  1. I've been reading your blog for I think coming on 13ish years now -- mostly silently without commenting. This might be the liveliest I've seen the comments. Speaks to how your audience and reach is snowballing Doc, but also a lot of Giants fans have reached the breaking point.

    I myself came in with sky high hopes for the Zaidi administration and while the results have been pretty good thus far from the world beating organization I expected him to build -- and given the state of the farm we aren't waiting for the future in the same we have in the past.

    - Fan
