Wednesday, October 13, 2021

The Showdown: On To Game Five

 There's not much to say about this game and probably the less said the better.  I've been toying with whether the Giants should offer Anthony DeSclafani RHP "The Gausman".  This game pretty much put that notion to rest.  I'm OK with him coming back next year, but not nearly at that price.  I mean, right now I'd be more OK with a QO for Alex Wood LHP but I wouldn't do it for him either. Which means FZ has a major rotation rebuild job on his hands for the offseason, but he did last year too, so why am I worrying about it now?

As others have said, I would be pretty confident about Game 5 with Logan Webb RHP on the mound except Julio Urias LHP is the latest Giants Dodgers nemesis who they just can't seem to find a way to beat even thought he looks like he should be hittable.  This one could have a crazy ending like we saw in 1951 on 1962.  Hey!  It's a tradition we have to keep alive!


  1. Two things give me confidence.
    1. Webb
    2. We're at home

    I wish the Giants hitters would stop being homerun crazy. With the crazy number of popups, it's quite obvious they're trying to hit homeruns. They need to get back to basics.

    1. Agree, they all look like they are trying to jack it out of the park when a single would either set the table, drive in a run or two or at least put the opposing pitcher in the stretch.

  2. I like the Giants chances and trust in their collective ability to adjust and crack into Urias the second time around within a series. On the other hand, Webb looks better every time so - I like our chances!

  3. Pitching next year is a tough one, guess it was good while it lasted

  4. Giants have run barely ahead of the storm all year.

    They are now in the harbor, and have to safely dock while negotiatiting their way thru the hidden reefs, shifting tides, unpredictable winds, and the rocky shore upon which so many have come to grief.

    The skipper has a steady hand, and has the full confidence of his competent crew.

    We wait and watch in breathless anticipation.

    1. With the Giants and Dodgers how could it end any other way?

  5. Dodgers announce Cory Knebel as a starter. Chess match has begun with Dave Roberts trying to foul up Kapler's righty/lefty strategy. Hopefully the strategy will backfire and the Giants jump out to an early lead.

  6. In the bottom of the 8th Game 5, still 1-1.
    Musing about what lies ahead after Webb was removed in Game 5 and the previous Giant 1st game starters in their playoff years:

    1st Giant playoff game by year:
    October 7, 2010 Tim Lincecum 26 yo
    October 6, 2012 Matt Cain 28 yo
    October 1, 2014 Madison Bumgarner 25 yo
    October 5, 2016 Madison Bumgarner 27 yo
    October 8, 2021 Logan Webb 24 yo

    FWIW, Tim, Matt, and Bum were never a "Force" after the last year they opened their final playoff series.

    Webb is younger with a lot less Wear & Tear than his predecessors.
