Friday, October 4, 2024

Thoughts On Farhan Zaidi and Buster Posey

 Hey team!  I am back and what a breaking story I missed!  I go back a long way in Giants history.  There have been some momentous changes in the front office but this one may be the biggest watershed moment of them all.  Tom Haller, Al Rosen, Brian Sabean, FZ himself.  All were major changes but this is the first time a future Hall of Fame Giants player, one who spent his entire career with the team took to reins of the team and in quite dramatic fashion.  Turns out Baggs had it right and Buster's involvement in the Matt Chapman negotiations was an ominous sign for FZ's future with the team.  While that and other flags made Farhan's firing less than unexpected, the announcement that Buster would be the new POBO came as an almost complete shock.

I already reviewed the pros and cons of FZ's career with the Giants so won't rehash that.  IMO, if you look at the youth of the current roster and the state of the farm system is the organization is better positioned for the future than when FZ took over, but maybe only marginally so and the last 6 years have been a litany of frustrations that apparently extended to ownership who finally had enough.  FZ's 6 year tenure was an experiment on what would happen if an analytics oriented POBO was given free reign to institute and control that approach through every level of the organization.  The results were less than compelling.

So what does Buster Posey bring to the table?  He clearly has a keen baseball mind and the adoration of the fanbase.  When Buster Posey speaks, people listen.  While I am sure he understands analytics and will make use of them he will almost certainly also bring the perspective of a recent player who had to absorb that data and put it into action on the field.  He has a unique perspective on how the analytical approach is perceived by players, what works and what doesn't from their perspective.  It's interesting that his first move as POBO was a rather emphatic reassignment of GM Pete Putila who himself came from another analytics oriented program.  Buster also pointedly emphasized that he will promote prospects like Bryce Eldridge when he thinks they are ready and will not let team needs dictate that timing which could be a shot at Putila's approach as his area of expertise was player development and the rather frantic promotion of prospects started after his arrival.  

It will be interesting to see who Buster brings in to assist him but all indications are he will bring a much more traditional approach to roster building and the types of players he thinks will help the team become the perennial postseason powerhouse it should be.

I am sure we all wish him the greatest success.


  1. I am not gonna pile on FZ either, I was on the record too many times about the need for him to go because he just didn't know how to put a MLB winning team on the field..... and, as you mentioned, while the organization was better (his strong point and he did find some gems), it was only marginally so with some huge misses. He did some good things, made some shrewd acquisitions/trades but His approach at this past deadline sealed it for me..

    I love the big splash with POSEY (Go Noles!!)..I love his style and he knows players, he knows the game, and he knows what winning takes...And I think he can be a much better ambassador and recruiter for the Giants than FZ was..That said, as Doc mentioned, he will be defined by the people he brings in to help him with scouting AND analytics and to save him from any blind spots he MIGHT have (i.e, too much on gut feelings/loyalty for vets)...Some respected names have been mentioned and especially love the name of SABEAN being tossed around! Gonna be an interesting off-season..


    1. Honestly, I think bringing Brian Sabean back in anything other than an advisory role would be a mistake for several reasons. Buster needs to be THE guy and build his own team.

    2. Exactly, I think he's too old and removed to be anything but an advisor or mentor..but in that role he can be a big help to Posey..who I tthink will be open to learning all he can.... I'm all for it..


  2. Well said. An unprecedented move for unprecedented times, and we'll all hope for the best. Because I like baseball, I'm optimistic!

    Interesting note about Putila, and I hadn't seen the frenetic treatment of prospects linked to him. I wonder what Buster thinks of Putila's magnum opus, Jung Hoo Lee?

  3. As the Buster cheering section calms, the newest loudest news on line from at least 3 sources (Sporting News, Sports Illustrated, and ?) is SF will sign Paul Goldschmidt.
    If ever there was something that FZ would do, that's it!

  4. Goldschmidt has been a real Giants killer in the past, but he’ll be entering is 15th major league season … he had 173 strikeouts in 2024 in 599 at bats and only 47 walks. He did hit 22 homers and delivered 65 RBIs … maybe a short-term (1 or 2 years?) contract until Bryce Eldridge is ready?

    1. I think LMWJ and a RH platoon partner will be just as productive or more than Goldy in his age 37 season.

    2. I don't think Buster or the Giants will want a repeat of this past year at 1B where, after Wades hot start, it was pretty much a disaster. I hope and think the Giants shoot higher than the old dreck..Don't know if it will be Goldschmidt but somebody overpaid on the short for 2 years. and it could be FA or trade. Hell, it could be Brandon Belt!! Kidding..

      Maybe related, I will be really curios to see what POSEY and his GM will do with prospects like MATOS and LUCIANO. I thought they, like BART, were goners if FZ stayed. Also, despite SCHMIDT's positive last week or two at 2B, I wonder what POSEY, as an ex-player who will have a different mind set than FZ, will do with ESTRADA. I guess that can be said about WADE and other vets also..Will be interesting to see how POSEY and his GM operate.


    3. They tried Encarnacion at 1B a few times - do you think the continue with him as the RH side of that platoon?

    4. Why not stay with Lamonte? I know his injury history has not been good...but with Eldridge in the wings, give LM a full time shot -- no platooning. He does fine vs lefties given the chance.

    5. I would like to see what a LMWJ/Jerar platoon at 1B would produce over a full season.

    6. To me, going with likes of WADE, Encarnacion, Flores etc with all their limitations and drawbacks.. is nothing but settling for mediocrity at best, just like FZ...I'd rather try to put a very good team in place and try to win in a very tough division. Now, if winning in 2025 doesn't matter, just save your money and play any of the returning dreck you have and play for a very good 2026 draft pick..


    7. You would rather sink $$ into the 37 year old steaming husk of what used to be Paul Goldschmidt or a long term deal with Alonzo that blocks Eldridge?

  5. Buster taking over the front office might be the biggest move made this offseason and I’m ok with that. There could be a pitcher or two he signs and there may be a few interesting trades but he really needs to take a year to settle in and evaluate things and expectations should be low in terms of success on the field. Give him 2025 to figure out what young pitchers will be part of our rotation for years to come and which prospects he can build around in the field.

  6. I love this news. Buster is a winner and he made the Giants a winner for Sabean and Bochy and now he's going to make the organisation a winner again.

    1. Not saying Buster Posey won't do a great job as POBO, but we might be seeing just a bit of irrational exuberance in the fanbase just because of his iconic status as a player.

    2. I don't mind showing my irrational exuberance, Doc. Better days ahead!

  7. Welcome back Doc! I've seen a lot of takes on this huge story, but found myself still wanting to read your post on this story. Thanks and its meant as a compliment. The Giants hit a PR homerun hiring Posey as POBO. I'm cautiously optimistic for the future and excited since I'm a big Posey fan. I like that he's looking for a GM hire with a scouting background. It seems like they need to get back to a more even usage between analytics/scouting when it comes to player talent evaluation. The beat writers + Marty Lurie keep mentioning A's GM Billy Owen's as a strong candidate and a great talent evaluator. Sounds like he would be a great hire. They even said if Kim Ng was interested in the job, they would talk to her. I don't know i thought she was looking for a POBO job..sabean would be great as a senior advisor. Dont think he wants to be GM again at this stage of his life.

    1. Given Buster's background/experience, I think the first priority is to bring in someone with extensive experience in front office work. From everything I have read, elevating Jeremy Shelley from within would be a savvy move. He's was here through most or all of the Sabes regime and was one of the few who stayed through the FZ regime. I have long admired Kim Ng and her mentor when she was assistant GM of the Dodgers, Dan Evans. It thought she did a great job with the Marlins and got a raw deal from their new owner. If she would take the job, I think she would be great. I have heard a lot about Billy Owens over the years and he seems to be a great talent evaluator. Seems like almost everybody thought FZ would hire him as GM. I thought it was a little odd it never happened. Not sure Buster would want to bring in another person with roots in the A's organization. I would be OK with any of those three candidates. I also think Buster needs to take a hard look at the scouting department.

  8. What does this Blog grouping feel about the possibility of adding Billy Owens from the A's as the new GM?

  9. I don’t really expect Posey to be in this role long term probably just long enough to get the ship turned the right way and someone he can trust in place. Sure seems like it could be a perfect situation for Kim Ng if she can wait 3-4 years to take over for Posey. Still scratching my head as to why she wasn’t chosen over Farhan in the first place!

  10. Doc, I commented earlier,but appears > I said something wrong > if so my apologies. Wasit the exclamations points?

    Richard in Winnipeg.

    1. I don't recall hitting the button on any of your comments so not sure what happened. If you don't mind taking the time to comment again, as always I try to evaluate each comment on it's merits but tend to give a much longer leash to regular commenters.

  11. FZ had only one winning season in 6 years built off of career years from nearly all the players he inherited plus one year wonders from a few guys he got. The previous regime only had 2 losing seasons in a row (60-something win seasons) coming off a lot of winning seasons and World Series wins, while Farhan got to make it to 6 years off the back of that one season plus his teams were always hovering around .500 and usually around the 8-10th worst team in the league. He should’ve been fired years ago. The only thing he did good was not trade the young guys and the draft made good picks outside of the first round, where Farhan has all but bombed so far with his 6 first round picks. The owners finally came around to seeing the damage Farhan made on the organization and booted him out the door. Posey is anti-Farhan and it seems them hiring an anti-Farhan is them admitting that they messed up by hiring Farhan.

  12. Really it’s hard to say that the Giants are in a better position now than before Farhan took over. Giants only had 2 losing seasons in a row coming off a lot of playoff appearances and acclaim. Farhan has tanked fan and players interest, to the points of hurting the owners bottom line by causing many fans to check out. Yeah they have a lot of young players but I wouldn’t say that 6 years of what we got so the Farhan was worth it. That being said, all the youngins make me

  13. Have to wonder how much the Bart situation factored into the equation. Farhan was the moron that rushed this top prospect before he was ready and it caused them valuable minor league seasoning and minor league options. It’s been reported that some in the organization thought Farhan was too aggressive with calling up prospects because he was trying to show the world that he had good prospects, when it just messes up the prospects. He doesn’t even wait for a prospect to master a level, he simply waits for a hot steak in a small sample size before making the decision to call a guy up. That kind of decision making is why he should not be running any front office

  14. Must say it was always clear that Farhan viewed players like numbers on a piece of paper. It seems like Posey and reports hinted/made reference to that with many comments that were said.

  15. To be fair, Farhan always frantically called up prospects. He just didn’t have anyone to call
    Up the first few years beside Bart
