Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Hot Stove Update: Is the Correa Deal In Trouble?

 Wow!  Just about three hours before the scheduled formal announcement of the Carlos Correa SS signing, the Giants put out a terse e-mail saying it was cancelled without explanation.  Beat writer Susan Slusser seems to be the closest to having inside information.  She says it's due to a medical issue which apparently turned up in the standard physical exam, but is not related to his historic back injury.  AP reported that an issue was "flagged" in the physical and the Giants are awaiting the results of "testing."  While this could be something as simple as an acute respiratory infection and a COVID test, the sense here is that it is a longer term issue, but both sides are understandably extremely tight lipped and apparently not leaking any sensitive info.  

I would think that both sides would be highly motivated to get this deal done one way or another.  Even with Scott Boras as his agent, I am sure Correa does not want to reenter the free agent market with the specter of a serious medical problem hanging over his head.  It would be disastrous for the Giants if the deal fails for obvious reasons.  Still, I think there is a non-zero chance the deal falls apart with Correa re-entering the free agent market and the Giants left with a failed Hot Stove League season and yet another reason why frontline free agents might avoid them in the future.


  1. Wow this has been one crazy off season. I take non zero chance to mean there is a chance this deal falls apart. I can't believe they scheduled the news conference before getting the final results of Correa's physical. If so then FZ needs to show that he can make some trades to improve the roster

  2. We lost Correa, im absolutely stunned. Mets still gave 12 years so I’m assuming the injury wasn’t THAT bad but we might never get to know. We may be thankful 8 years from now that we didn’t do this deal but today I’m not happy about these developments. Will be interested to see how we pivot from here…
