Thursday, November 24, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving

 The Hot Stove League is on Aaron Judge break.  Pretty much nothing happens until he decides where to play the rest of his career.  As a Giants fan, I am thankful for three championship seasons in my lifetime and sending up positive thoughts to the baseball gods to allow Aaron to make the right decision and sign with the Giants.


  1. I'm thankful for 20 years of Dr.B

  2. Thank you for all your good work, your favorite sites are also informative.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to Doc and all of the fans who follow this blog. I'm sure the conversation will pickup once Judge receives the Giants initial contract offer

  4. Thanks Doc to you for all your work and insights. Happy Thanksgiving to all Giants fans. My family gathering was all abuzz with hopes of Aaron Judge coming our way.

  5. Thank you all for the kind words. I appreciate everyone who reads and comments here.
